Candlestick Point SRA General Plan Workshops/Meetings

The first community workshop for Candlestick Point State Recreation Area (SRA) General Plan/Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was held on Saturday, January 30, 2010. 

This workshop was a combination of a short presentation and extensive group interaction and input. Maps and exhibits generated by the workshop attendees are listed below.

For those unable to attend, a Comment Card and Activities Matrix was sent to Steve Musillami to the address on the right (also listed on the Comment Card). The Activities Matrix lists a variety of existing park activities as well as potential future park activities. The planning team wanted to know whether existing activities should remain, if new activities should be added, and what improvements are needed.

Workshop Summary
Upon signing in at the 1-30-10 Candlestick Point SRA General Plan workshop, each person received a name tag with a colored star and handouts, including the Workshop Agenda and introductory statements (available in Spanish and Chinese), Contact Information, Activities Matrix, Comment Card and other materials. Workshop participants broke into four groups based upon the assigned colored star on their nametag. Each group of 7 to 10 people, led by an AECOM facilitator, focused on 1) locating features and areas needing improvement within the existing park, and 2) determining future park character.

California State Parks Associate Landscape Architect Steve Musillami said that the planning process is conducted in partnership with the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (SFOEWD) and the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (city agencies involved with the adjacent Candlestick Point-Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II Development Plan Project).

Donna Plunkett from AECOM explained that the general planning process would involve the public going through a series of workshops to understand the existing conditions, site opportunities and constraints and finding alternatives for future development, as well as conducting environmental review (California Environmental Quality Act - CEQA).

Megan Walker from AECOM presented the mission and themes of Candlestick, and noted that Candlestick is California's first urban SRA.

During the sign-in period, three display boards of Candlestick Point SRA were available:
1) Key Site Characteristics
2) Existing Programs and Activities
3) Parks and Open Space

Group Exercises

Using an aerial base map, groups identified areas they frequently visit and areas that offer special qualities, such as a unique habitat or a popular viewing area. The aerial map was a visual tool to identify park areas that were important to the community. The facilitator used markers and sticky notes to record these areas. Groups also used red and green dots to convey their likes and dislikes.
Base Map Blue
Base Map Gold
Base Map Green
Base Map Silver

A second group exercise involved using an image board with examples of waterfront parks arranged along a spectrum of "natural to urban" to stimulate discussion about park character (how the park should look at feel). Ideas ranged from an ecological or restoration focus with more resource-based recreation and activities to a more hardscape design such as a waterfront promenade and more a active recreation. Images were organized by four categories of recreational resources, natural resources, cultural and community resources, and interpretation/education. Participants used a rating system of green, yellow, and red dots to identify images that best or least represented their vision of Candlestick Point SRA. Participants placed green dots on images of how the SRA should look and feel in the future, red dots on images of how the SRA should not look and feel in the future, and yellow dots were placed on images that only partially represented the future look and feel of the SRA.
Imageboard Blue
Imageboard Gold
Imageboard Green
Imageboard Silver

Common Themes
Several comments and concerns were repeated across the discussion groups, such as enhancing natural open space areas; protecting the shoreline; improving connections between the SRA and the surrounding neighborhood, including Bayview Hill; creating local economic opportunities; and restoring wetlands in the Yosemite Slough area. The Fishing Pier was identified as a unique park asset, and several people advocated preservation of the community gardens and the mosaic mural and sculptures, which contribute to the SRA's overall sense of place. A number of participants noted their opposition to the development plan's proposal to build a bridge over Yosemite Slough. Most participants agreed that the park's character should be on the natural end of the spectrum. The groups emphasized that they want the park to be a natural, ecologically-focused setting where they can enjoy open space and get away from the urban environment. Any facilities, such as beaches, trails, or boat launches, should not feel overly developed.

Public Scoping/Comments
Following the group summaries, the meeting was opened up for participants to provide additional comments and concerns about potential environmental impacts associated with the plan. The idea for a memorial at the park for Carol Nelson, the first African American park ranger, was mentioned again as was the opposition to a bridge over Yosemite Slough. It was noted that this was a great meeting and everyone looked forward to continuing community engagement in the planning process. Participants were given an opportunity to submit written comments that should be considered in the EIR. 

Wrap-up and Next Steps
Donna Plunkett announced that the next step in the process will be to compile the input provided at the workshop and post it on the Website. Future announcements will also be posted at this Web site as well as additional mailings to let the community know about upcoming events.

General Plan/EIR Workshop/Meeting Schedule