NPS Number: 05000596

Standish Hall was constructed in 1907 with ground floor commercial space and second floor lodge hall. Historic photos show the wood building with a tall roof parapet and second floor balcony. The parapet was modified in the 1950s to its current appearance. The second floor door to the balcony was closed off in the 1930s and the balcony, which also served as a canopy over the ground floor entrance, was removed for safety reasons in 2002. The property was listed at the local level under Criterion A in the areas of commerce, recreation, and social history during the years 1907-1954. The second floor meeting hall was used by several organizations, including Odd Fellows and Native American Daughters of the Golden West, and for local social gatherings. The ground floor space was used as a grocery/mercantile store supplying dry goods, meat, and hardware items to the small community of Standish.

Registration Date: 6/17/2005

City: Standish
County: Lassen

718-820 US 395 E

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