Verna Dunshee Trail - East Peak

California State Parks is developing a Facilities Management Plan (FMP) for the East Peak area of Mount Tamalpais State Park. The FMP will identify a cohesive vision for East Peak's future in terms of site amenities and recreation opportunities. The first phase of the planning process was conducted in 2015-2018, during which time existing conditions studies were conducted and stakeholder and public input was solicited at events, through an online survey, and through interviews. The second phase of the planning process is now underway and will include the development of a conceptual alternative, additional opportunities for public and stakeholder engagement, and completion of the FMP
Upcoming opportunities to engage in the planning process will include online activities and virtual meeting(s), and will be posted on this webpage and emailed to the project contact list.
To be added to the project contact list, please email: or write to the Planning Team at the address below. Please include "East Peak FMP" in the subject line.

California State Parks
Strategic Planning and Recreation Services Division, East Peak FMP
1725 23rd Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95816


The anticipated schedule for completing the FMP is provided below. Opportunities for public input, including online engagement activities, are identified in italics for each project phase.
Existing Conditions, Opportunities, and Constraints Analysis (completed in 2015; focused updates in 2020) 

·         Stakeholder Interviews and Outreach - Spring 2015

·         Existing Conditions Atlas & Photobook - Fall 2015

East Peak Facilities Concept Development (Fall 2020 - Winter 2021)

·         Draft Concept 

·         Virtual Outreach Meeting and Online Engagement: Draft Concept Alternatives 

·         Preferred Concept 

Draft Facilities Management Plan and Environmental Review (Winter 2021- Spring 2021)

·        Draft Facilities Management Plan and Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)

·        Online Review Forum:  Draft FMP 

·        IS/MND Public Review Period

Final Facilities Management Plan and IS/MND (Spring/Summer 2021)

For more information about Mount Tamalpais State Park please visit the Mount Tamalpais State Park website.

Gravity Car Barn Interpretive Panels