The monthly Sierra Speaker Series connects folks to the rich cultural and natural history of the area. Join us at Donner Memorial State Park Visitor Center to learn and engage! Doors open at 5 pm, and the presentation is to follow at 5:30 pm. Admission is a suggested $5 donation. Light refreshments will be available. Parking is free after 5 pm. No registration required.

Brought to you by California State Parks and the Sierra State Parks Foundation, the Sierra Speaker Series shares and connects the rich cultural and natural history of the area to the community. Please donate to Sierra State Parks Foundation today to support the interpretation, restoration, and preservation of the parks system in the Lake Tahoe-Donner area. Your tax-deductible donation will be kept locally and applied to priority projects. 

Doors open at 5 pm, at the Donner Memorial State Park Visitor Center; the presentation to follow at 5:30 pm. Admission is a suggested $5 donation. Light refreshments will be available, and wine available for a suggested donation of $5. Parking is free after 5 pm.

Please visit SierraStateParks.org to see how you can get involved and access a full list of upcoming events.

Sierra Speaker Series: John C. Frémont - “The Great Pathfinder” Who Led Wilderness Expeditions to Open Settlement of the American West
