Natural Resource Program Areas

The Department has many policies, guidelines, programs, and activities that support its natural resource mission. Included are primary funding programs used to support the Department's wide variety of management activities, including habitat restoration, prescribed fire management, corrective and ongoing maintenance, and monitoring. In addition, information on many of the major subject areas of resource management planning and action is provided, such as geographic information systems (GIS), exotic species control, marine areas, and watershed management.
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Resource Management Planning
Natural Resource Acquisition Program
Landscape/Habitat Linkages
Data and Geographic Information Systems
Geologic Features and Landscapes
Watershed Management
Marine Areas Management
Prescribed Fire Program
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species - Western Snowy Plover - Sharing the Beach (pdf)
Pathogens - Sudden Oak Death (SOD)
Scientific Research and Collecting
Useful Information for Park Visitors
Information concerning dogs in state parks, feeding the wildlife in parks, dealing with yellowjackets, and other subjects can be found on the Department's "Resources and Tools" webpage: