Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve and Austin Creek State Recreation Area Suggestions for walks and hikes:
1. Round Trip under a mile:
Parking lot to Armstrong Tree and Forest Theater along
2. A Little longer:
(1.7 Miles) Parking lot to Armstrong Tree and then to Picnic Area along Pioneer Trail. Back along road, Redwoods all the way.
3. A 2.2 mile loop with a 400 foot climb:
Parking lot to Picnic Area by way of the East Ridge along East Ridge Trail. Back along road or Pioneer Trail. A moderate hike along a ridge shaded by Firs, Oaks, and Madrones with a stroll back through Redwoods. Pioneer trail or road and back. A short, easy stroll through the Redwoods.
4. A 2.3 mile loop – A bit more strenuous than #3:
Parking lot to Armstrong Tree and then up Pool Ridge Trail. Loop back to Picnic Area and return along the Pioneer Trail or road. A 500 foot steady climb with lots of switch backs.
5. A 3.3 mile loop – Definitely a hike:
Combine #3 and #4. Parking Lot to Picnic Area by way of East Ridge Trail. Then loop back along Pool Ridge Trail to Armstrong Tree and back to Parking Lot. Up 400 feet, down, up 500 feet and down again.
6. A 5.6 loop with a 1100 foot climb:
East Ridge Trail from Parking Lot to Gilliam Creek Trailhead and loop back along Pool Ridge Trail.
7. A 9.0 mile loop:
As in #6 but continue on East Ridge Trail to Bullfrog Pond and back to Gilliam Creek Trailhead and return along Pool Ridge Trail.
8. A 5.0 mile Back Country loop:
Elevation change of 1000 feet. East Austin Trail from Trailhead (Vista Point) to Gilliam Creek. Loop back along Gilliam Creek Trail and East Ridge Trail to Bullfrog Pond.
9. A 10 mile Back Country loop:
As in #8 but continue on East Austin Trail to Gilliam Creek Service Road and then loop back to Gilliam Creek Trail and back to Bullfrog Pond.

Back Country Campsite Mileages:

Tom King Camp
3.1 miles from Vista Point
Mannings Flat Camp
4.1 miles from Vista Point
Gilliam Creek Camp
3.9 miles from Trailhead


Parking Lot 120’ Picnic Area 172’
Manning Flat 293’ Gilliam Creek Camp 200’
Bullfrog Pond 1250’ Gilliam Creek Trailhead 1200’
East Ridge Trail at Picnic Area Cutoff 500’