Año Nuevo State Park General Plan
Final General Plan and Environmental Impact Report
The Año Nuevo SP General Plan was approved by the California State Park and Recreation Commission on October 31, 2008. The Commission also took action on the reclassification and addition of Año Nuevo State Natural Reserve into the existing Año Nuevo State Park; also the subclassification of a Natural Preserve and Cultural Preserve within the state park unit.
The Final General Plan and EIR and individual figures are available below for downloading.
Año Nuevo SP General Plan and EIR (approved October 2008)
General Plan Maps (Document Figures):
Figure 1: Regional
Figure 2: Location
Figure 3: Existing Facilities
Figure 4: Existing Roads and Trails
Figure 5: Alquist-Priolo Fault Zones
Figure 6: Watersheds
Figure 7: Coastal Zone
Figure 8: Vegetation Communities
Figure 9: Wildlife Habitat
Figure 10: Natural Resource Sensitivity
Figure 11: Cultural Resources
Figure 12: Planning Zones
Figure 13: Coastal Proposals
Figure 14: Inland Proposals
Figure 15: Natural/Cultural Preserves