Mountain Biking
The park has over 200 miles of roads and trails that are open to mountain bikes. The rugged terrain offers a variety of riding operations ranging from moderately difficult to extremely difficult. There are practically no easy trails for bikes. Trails that are less severe for riding are Flat Frog Trail, Manzanita Point Road near the Coe Ranch Entrance, and at the Hunting Hollow entrance Hunting Hollow Road and Coit Road are moderately steep.
Basic Rules
Bikes are not allowed in the Orestimba Wilderness or on Corral Trail, Spring Trail, Forest Trail, Frog Lake Trail, Madrone Soda Springs Trail, and Mile Trail. Trails closed to bikes are marked with the international "no bike" logo. It is your responsibility to know which trails are open to bikes and which trails are closed. Download the Headquarter's handout map to determine which trails are closed to bicycles.
Mountain Bikes are restricted to park dirt roads after significant rainfall. All single-track trails are closed to mountain bicycle entry and use for 48 hours after the ceasing of any rain or inclement weather period (defined as more than 1/2 inch of rain).
Bikes are to yield the right-of-way to hikers and horses.
Motorcycles and motorized bikes are not allowed anywhere within park boundaries.
Class 1 e-bikes are allowed where bicycles are allowed in accordance with District Superintenent's Order No. 680-19-029.