We hope you enjoy visiting Old Town San Diego State Historic Park. This is where you can find the Park Policies and Guideline for the park, as well as updates on projects and other things happening in the park.
Museum Hours:
Depending on the day of the week, some museums will be closed for your visit. Call the Robinson Rose Visitor Center on the day of the trip to confirm what museums are open that day.
Monday- Wednesday
Museums Open, 10AM-5PM:
- Robinson Rose Visitor Center
- Machado Silvas Adobe
- Machado Stewart Adobe
- San Diego Union Building
- Iipay ~ Tipay Kumeyaay Mut Niihepok (Land of the First People)
Thursday- Sunday:
Museums Open, 10AM-5PM
- Robinson Rose Visitor Center
- Machado Silvas Adobe
- Machado Stewart Adobe
- San Diego Union Building
- Iipay ~ Tipay Kumeyaay Mut Niihepok (Land of the First People)
- Blackhawk Livery Stable Blacksmith Shop
- La Casa de Estudillo*
- Seeley Stable Museum*
- McCoy Interpretive Center*
*Check day of museums to confirm which museums are open the day of your visit.
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park presents the opportunity to experience the history of early San Diego by providing a connection to the past. Old Town became a state historic park in 1968, when work began to restore and stabilize its buildings, particularly the original adobes. Five of these have been restored: La Casa de Estudillo, La Casa de Machado y Stewart, La Casa de Machado y Silvas, the Pedrorena-Altamirano House, and La Casa de Bandini, which became Albert Seeley's Cosmopolitan Hotel. Two other buildings—The Schoolhouse and the San Diego Union Building—have been restored as 19th century buildings typical of early American wood-framing practices. Seeley Stable, the Robinson-Rose Visitor Information Center, the Colorado House, the First San Diego Courthouse, and La Casa de Rodriguez have been reconstructed.
To see more about any of these museums, please click on the name of the museum you are interested in on the "Related Links" section to the right.