Pacheco Plan
Pacheco State Park (Pacheco SP) is 6,890 acres of open space set atop the Coastal Range in Central California. Steeped in the history of early California settlement, the descendants of the Pacheco family donated the land to the parks system in 1992. The park offers scenic vistas, spring wildflower blooms, and an ecosystem for the diverse local wildlife, along with an active wind farm.
Pacheco SP is centrally located on Hwy 152. It is approximately 30 minutes from Gilroy, Hollister and Los Banos.
California State Parks worked with various stakeholders to discuss future programs, facilities, and activities at Pacheco SP. This website will provide information and status updates for the public.
The first public comment meeting was held January 25, 2020 at the Four Rivers Sector office at San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area. This was followed by an educator meeting February 29, 2020. The meeting focused on opportunities and facilities to provide educational programs and field trips to K-12 students.
Project Goals:
The following goals serve to guide the development of design alternatives:
A. Adopt facility design to current and future user interests in a way that maximizes camping, day use, and educational opportunities regardless of genre or time of year.
D. Develop synergy between facilities, both current and future, in a way that compliments the visitor experience while maintaining stewardship needs of staff.
V. Visitors will enjoy new facilities that respond to contemporary recreation trends and changing demographics.
A. Access to recreation and educational opportunities will value the needs of all visitors, and encourage new ones.
N. Natural and cultural environment will benefit from comprehensive and intelligent planning that is considerate of healthy resources by managing recreation.
C. Camping and day use facilities will be adoptable to equestrian, recreational vehicle, tent, and education based groups, and will provide additional alternative opportunities which are not readily available.
E. Education programs and facilities will strive to become a regional resource for educators, students, and park visitors.
What's Next:
The conceptual plan unveling is scheduled for Wednesday, July 21, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Please join us at San Luis Reservoir SRA Headquarters located at 31426 Gonzaga Road Gustine, CA 95322.
Fatjo Corporation was established in 1994 to oversee the assets of Pacheco State Park donated to the California Department of Parks and Recreation. The board meets quarterly to review the operations and maintenance of the park. Fatjo Corporation is always looking for input from the public. The board is seeking members who live, or have an established business, within 100 miles of San Luis Reservoir. If you are skilled in financial management and interested in volunteering your time, please submit a resume to:
Pacheco State Park General Plan
Contact Us:
Gerald "Duke" Heberling
Four Rivers Sector Superintendent