2025 Meeting Schedule

Pending final agendas, the following meeting dates are scheduled for 2025.

Wednesday, February 12 - Thursday, February 13 - Cancelled

Due to ongoing wildfires in Southern California, and to reduce the workload for the already thinly stretched Angeles District staff, the State Park and Recreation Commission tour and meeting scheduled for February are cancelled. When the time is appropriate, we will reschedule our visit to Los Angeles to tour Los Angeles State Historic Park, and if safe and appropriate, Will Rogers State Historic Park and Topanga State Park, which have been devastated by fire. In the meantime, please be well and keep those in the affected areas in your thoughts. We look forward to hosting our next commission meeting in March.

Tuesday, March 25 - Wednesday, March 26 - (Palm Desert, CA)

Wednesday, June 25 - Thursday, June 26 - (location not yet determined)

Wednesday, September 24 and Thursday, September 25 - (location not yet determined)

Wednesday, December 3 and Thursday, December 4 - (location not yet determined)