Accessible Features at California State Parks | Clear Lake SP | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions


Clear Lake State Park is on the shores of the second largest freshwater lake in California. Popular for all kinds of water recreation and upgraded for accessibility, the park entrance is located off Highway 29 on Soda Bay Road, about 3 miles east of Kelseyville. Phone (707) 279-4293 or (707) 279-2267.


Cole Creek Campground: Two accessible campsites are available (#6 and #21). Accessible parking, routes, and restrooms with showers are available.

Kelsey Creek Campground: Five accessible campsites are available (#38, #50, #65, #86, and #89). Adjacent to the campground are eight rustic cabins, two of which are designated accessible (#3 and #4). Accessible parking, routes, and restrooms with showers are nearby the campsites and cabins. Visit Access Northern California for detailed cabin accessibility information and photos.

Picnic Area

A picnic area at the Swim Beach has several accessibly designed tables under shade structures. An accessible restroom and outdoor rinsing shower are also available. More accessible picnic sites are available at the Boat Launch area, and the Day Use Picnic Area.


The Kelsey Creek Trail is an ‘out-and-back’ accessible trail that is 0.70 miles each way long trail located in the vicinity of the Kelsey Creek Campground. The trail is constructed of compacted aggregate and 1,500 feet of boardwalk paralleling Kelsey Slough and offers numerous fishing opportunities. The trail is generally flat. The trail can be accessed from the group picnic area, Kelsey Creek Campground or the park swimming area. Accessible restrooms are provided at the group picnic area, Kelsey Creek Campground and park swimming area. Currently portions of the trail are not accessible due to damage caused by rising lake and wave action.

The Dorn Nature Trail is a 0.66 mile accessible loop trail through the oak woodland hills adjacent to Clear Lake. The trail originates near site #116 of the Upper Bayview Campground. This trail provides 3 designated overlooks with views of the surrounding hills and Lake. The trail surface is constructed of compacted aggregate. The trail is generally flat at less than 5% with intermittent sections between 5% to 8% and two sections of the trail for 37 feet at 10%.

Trail Name Running Slope Cross Slope Trail Width Trail Surface
Kesley Creek Trail 1% Average 4 FT Average Aggregate & Wood
5% Maximum 5% Maximum 4 FT Minimum
Dorn Nature Trail 4% Average 4.5 FT Average Aggregate
10% Maximum 5% Maximum 4 FT Minimum

Beach/Shore Access

The Boat Launch Area has accessible auto and van parking spaces available. Restrooms are also accessible, including paths of travel to and from parking and the boat launch area.

The Swim Beach picnic tables, restrooms, and outdoor rinsing showers are accessibly designed and located.


The Visitor Center exhibit designs are generally accessible. The audiovisual room is accessible. The ramp and stairs to the center are accessible. Restrooms are generally accessible and are located on an accessible path from the parking area. Two van and 2 auto-accessible parking spaces are available in the day use lot.

To request an update to this page, please contact the Accessibility Division at or (916) 445-8949.