Accessible Features at California State Parks | State Indian Museum SHP | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions


The State Indian Museum houses a fine collection of basketry, beadwork, and regalia as well as other exhibits about the ongoing traditions of various California Indian groups. Self guided tours are available daily, and guided group tours are by reservation. The museum and the local Indian community have a number of special events throughout the year. The park is located at 26th and K streets in downtown Sacramento - adjacent to Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park. Phone 916-324-0971.Toll free group reservations phone is 866-240-4655.


The exhibits are mostly accessible, and aisle and turning space is adequate. Restroom. An attached restroom is generally accessible. Routes of travel to the museum entry are packed earth that is subject to weather, but firm and stable when dry. Some visitors may need assistance with slopes of paths and distances from available parking to museum.

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