Accessible Features at California State Parks | Half Moon Bay SB | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions


Half Moon Bay State Beach is one of the San Mateo Coast beach parks. Four miles of broad, sandy beaches, ideal for sunbathing, fishing and picnicking, stretch out to welcome visitors. The beach is located a half-mile west of Highway 1 on Kelly Avenue in Half Moon Bay. Phone (650) 726-8819 for more information.


The Francis Beach Campground has 4 accessible sites and 2 accessible comfort stations. The campfire center is also accessible.

The Sweetwood Group Camp has van accessible parking and an accessible vault style restroom. One large area at the group camp has been made accessible including tables, water faucet, food preparation area, and fire ring. Route to, and within the area, and to the restroom are accessible.

Picnic Area

The Francis Beach Day Use Area includes accessible picnicking, parking, restrooms, dressing rooms, and outdoor rinsing showers.


The Coastal Trail is an ‘out-and-back’ accessible hike/bike trail that is 2.36 miles each way along the coast and beaches. The surface is asphalt. The trail is generally flat at less than 5% slopes. Accessible parking, restrooms and access are available from the day use lot at Francis Beach off Kelly Ave.

Trail Name Running Slope Cross Slope Trail Width Trail Surface
Coastal Trail 1% Average 8 FT Average Asphalt & Wood
4% Maximum 2% Maximum 8 FT Minimum

Beach/Shore Access

The Dunes Beach day use area has van accessible parking and restrooms. Route to the restrooms is accessible.

The Francis Beach day use area has accessible parking, restrooms, and a beach wheelchair. For more information about the beach wheelchair, call (650) 726-8820.

The North and South Venice Beach day use areas offer van and auto accessible parking, outdoor rinsing showers, pay phone and an accessible restroom.

The Cowell Ranch Beach parking lot is located approximately 4 miles south of Half Moon Bay State Beach, along Highway One. A beach overlook, with accessible benches and accessible viewing scopes, is a short 0.6 mile hike on a dirt path from the parking lot. Accessible parking and an accessible portable toilet are available at the parking lot.

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