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What is an interpreter? 
A California State Parks interpreter creates educational programs for state park visitors that interpret the natural, historical, and cultural significance of our most precious resources. Interpreters help park visitors understand, appreciate, and enjoy our state parks. Learn more about the importance of interpretation in California State Parks.

What's the difference between an Interpreter I, II, and III? Read the job descriptions below:
Interpreter I
Interpreter II
Interpreter III

Watch a recording of a local "How to Become an Interpreter" workshop! Get tips from State Park interpreters and Recruitment team members on how to navigate the State Parks permanent employee hiring process, including taking the Interpreter I and II exams. 

Before applying for permanent interpreter positions, you must take a self-assessment-style exam.
Interpreter exams are now offered as "continous file." This means you may take the exam any time that is convenient for you.

View the Interpreter I Exam Bulletin (includes link to take exam)
View the Interpreter II Exam Bulletin 
(includes link to take exam)

To take exams and apply for permanent positions, you must create a CalCareer account.
Once you have created an account, you can set up notifications for job opportunities by logging in and clicking one of the links below to see current open position results. Then click the "save search" button on the CalCareer website and follow the prompts to receive regular email notifications. 

Interpreter I Open Positions 
Interpreter II Open Positions

If you don't meet the minimum qualifications yet for a permanent interpreter position, consider applying to be a seasonal interpreter or volunteer to gain more experience! 

Interpreter I providing spontaneous interpretation while roving at Seacliff State BeachInterpretive staff leading the song portion of a summer campfire program at Butano State ParkInterpretive staff conducting a Junior Rangers childrens' program at New Brighton State Beach

Why Work for State Parks?

The Santa Cruz District of California State Parks includes parks along the coast from Watsonville to Daly City and parks in the Santa Cruz Mountains, some of the most beautiful places in the state to work and recreate in. And the connections you make here will last a lifetime. 

Whether your interest is in preserving California’s rich cultural history, its natural resources, or providing access to all, you can accomplish it at State Parks with the support of a diverse network committed to your success. 

How to Apply

The job application process with California State Parks depends on whether you are interested in a seasonal or permanent position. 

State Parks relies upon the hard work of seasonal employees, and a seasonal position is a great way to begin a career with State Parks. To apply for a seasonal position in the Santa Cruz District, submit a resume with a standard state application form (STD678) to the contact listed on the job announcement

Senior Park Aide (Interpretive) ($20.29 $24.42 per hour)
The Santa Cruz District recruits interpretive senior park aides in early spring, to work during the busy summer season (mid-May through Labor Day in September). Year-round part-time interpretive senior park aide positions are available occasionally. Interpretive senior park aides provide high quality educational experiences for the public by researching, developing, promoting, and conducting natural and cultural history programs. Learn more about the importance of interpretation in California State Parks. 

For more information, email 

Senior Maintenance Aide ($20.76 $24.99 per hour)
Seasonal senior maintenance aides perform various tasks necessary to ensure that public health and safety standards are maintained including:

• Cleaning of public use facilities: campsites, showers, restrooms, litter pick-up, emptying charcoal and wood ashes from campfire rings and BBQ grills.
• Performing landscape maintenance including mowing, trimming, and removing organic from landscaped and natural areas, including campgrounds and day use areas.
• Operating a variety of vehicles and equipment including: 1-ton trucks, blowers, weed whackers and other small engines. May assist with chainsaw and chipping operation.
• Performing unskilled tasks associated with facility maintenance such as: carpentry, painting, electrical, plumbing, masonry, roofing and other projects in various facilities.

For more information, call (831) 335-6318 or email 

Visitor Service Aide
To apply and for more information, visit    

Most permanent jobs require list eligibility. To ensure you are eligible for hire, take an exam. If you meet the minmum required score on the self-assessment survey-style exam, you will be placed on the hiring list. When an open position is advertised, you can then apply for it. After the application period closes, the most qualified candidates on the hiring list who applied for the position will be invited to an interview.

Some exams are only offered every few years while others are continuous file and can be taken at any time. Create a CalCareers account to take an exam and apply for permanent positions.   

Learn more about careers with California State Parks.
Read "3 Steps to a State Job" for more details on the application process.