Living History at San Juan Bautista
First Saturday, Living History Days!
Step into an Old West town for a fun-filled day. Meet the characters of early San Juan Bautista as our costumed docents bring the past to life. Spend the day with Victorians, Mountain Men, and Pioneer women. Watch the skills and demonstrations of early craftsmen. Enjoy an old-fashioned soda in the family-friendly saloon.
1st Saturday of the month from 11 am to 3:30 pm
- Adults ($3)
- 17 and under (free)
- parking (free)
2024 Dates
- July 6
- August 3
- September 7
- October 5
- November 2
- December7
2024 Special Living History Events
Early Days of San Juan!
Sunday, August 11
Step Back in Time and
Meet the People of Early California,
Participate in Craft and Cooking Demonstrations,
And Drink an Old Fashioned Soda in the Saloon.
Adults $3.00, 17 & under FREE!
Sodas $2.00 each, free parking
For Information Call
San Juan Bautista State Historic Park
Located off Hwy. 101, 15 minutes south of Gilroy
Vertigo Movie night!
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Come discover Alfred Hitchcock's important movie, filmed in San Juan Bautista State Park.
Paid guided tour: call the park for information about the Vertigo movie tour: 831-623-4881
Free showing of Vertigo:
8:00 pm, Plaza Lawn, bring blankets and lawn chairs for this free presentation of Alfred Hitchcock's film, screened right where it happened.
To follow our events, like us on Facebook @SanJuanBautistaStateHistoricPark
CA State Parks supports equal access. Prior to arrival, visitors needing assistance should contact the park at (831) 623-4881.